
EuroDairy Webinar: Nutritional strategies towards an economic and environmentally sustainable dairy farm.

Catch-up with this webinar with Dorien Van Wesemael discussing the results from the SMART Melken project. The project focused on methane mitigation and the carbon footprint of the feed strategies. During the webinar, Dorien will discuss the use of feed additives, feed components and basic drivers within a diet (e.g. use of by-products, main forage type) towards an economic and environmentally sustainable dairy farm.

To the webinar

Studiedag Reductiemogelijkheden van methaan- en ammoniakemissie bij rundvee - 11 december 2018

Voormiddag (9u30 - 12u00): methaan

Namiddag (13u30 - 15u45): ammoniak

SMART MELKEN studiedag 'Methaanreductie via rundveevoeding: realiteit of illusie?' - 6 oktober 2016

Inleiding (Sam De Campeneere): Methane mitigation through nutrition

Methaan in de rundveehouderij: reductie via voeder(additieven)

Methaan in de rundveehouderij: reductie via sturen van pensmicrobioom